Saturday, November 17, 2007

Trusting A Toddler

Today was a funny day. We are celebrating Stephen's birthday this weekend. So, Jubal and I got his cake and present ready today to celebrate a little early. Here's how it went....

After I picked Jubal up from preschool, we endeavored to make the cake. It was hilarious. Jubal could not put the spoon down. I literally had to take it out of his hand because his tongue appeared to be stuck to it. Because of the load of chocolate intake, my son was wired. It took him a while to settle down for his nap. (Good one, Rhonda!). After his nap, we proceeded to ice the cake. Instead of helping me ice it, Jubal kept sticking his finger in the icing and licking it off. Then it became 2 fingers and so on. Before long he had a nice amount on his hands and face. NICE!!!! All of this chocolate eating confirmed why we limit Jubal's sugar consumption. It sure was fun though. He had a blast. Poor kid is so deprived....

Then we wrapped Stephen's present: a nice pair of cycling wool socks. I kept telling Jubal periodically that the cake and present were a surprise and to keep it a secret. I thought we were set.

Stephen got home and right when he walked in the door, Jubal started singing Happy Birthday. It was adorable. Then about 2 minutes later Jubal said (in front of Stephen), "Mommy! Can we give daddy his socks now?" Oh man!!! I tried to cover it up but to no avail. There goes that surprise. At least we still have the secret cake. As I was getting dinner ready, it was very quiet and I could hear Stephen and Jubal whispering. I walked in our bedroom and Jubal was showing Stephen the cake. Oh man! Oh well. I always have next year. It was fun while it lasted.

Happy Birthday, Honey!

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