Friday, April 11, 2008

A fun little project

I have been wanting a cute little cloth headband to wear but have not worked up the nerve to buy one. Even though they are pretty cheap, it's hard for me to buy something I think I can make myself. So, I got out my big box of scrap fabric and started to experiment. It was so easy that I ended up making 3 of them in about 20-30 minutes. I just saved at least 18 bucks! You can't beat that deal.
Since I have a lot to do today, I will try to post the directions another day in case any of you would like to try. It's a lot of fun.
I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!


Jules said...

Oh Rhonda!!! I just posted on a forum asking if anyone would like to make some headscarves for Norah. But these would work, too! Um, so if Norah and I drive up for a visit and maybe take you to yummy lunch, would you make a toddler sized one?? Or teach me how??

Rhonda said...

That is so funny. I would love to help out for sure. That would be so much for to see you guys too. I can even make more than 1 if you want. They are super easy. If you want, I can make the headband more of a scarf too. Instead of using elastic, I can just make it long and you can tie it. The only thing about the elastic, is that it stays on well and doesn't come untied. I could even do a couple samples for you and see what you think. Do you have fabric in mind? Just let me know and I would love to help out.

The Via Colony said...

Ooh I love those. So cute!