Thursday, May 14, 2009

Got Soda?

I checked out a really cool book at our library called "Baking Soda Extravaganza." It's amazing that there are so many uses for baking soda that a book was made about it. It is such a practical, cheap, and healthy alternative to a lot of products out there. Since there are so many things you can do with baking soda, I will spread out what I learn and have practiced over a few blog posts. I hope these ideas help your family as it has mine. If you already do any of these tips, let me know how it's worked for you.

Ideas for the Kitchen:

1) Appliance and Sink cleaner - make a paste with soda and vinegar. Rub all over sink or appliance. Let sit for 15 minutes and rinse.

2) Soak kitchen sponges, nylon scrubbers, and scrub brushes overnight in a solution of 1/4 cup soda and 1 quart water for a thorough cleaning and degreasing.

3) Coffee pot cleaner - Wash glass, enamel, and stainless steel coffee pots with a solution of 4 tbsp. of soda in 1 quart of water.

4) Deodorize wood or plastic cutting boards of fish, onion, or garlic odors by scrubbing with a past of 3 tbsp baking soda and 1 tbsp water. Leave paste on for 10-15 minutes. Rinse well and dry.

5) For the dishwasher -

* Sprinkle some soda in dishwasher between washings to control odors.
* Remove stains and odors from the insides by scrubbing soda with a damp sponge. Rinse.
* Wash the door gaskets to keep them clean and mildew free.
* Add 2 tbsp soda to hot water and add to the detergent for extra grease-cutting action.

6) Mix a container of 1 lb. of baking soda and 1 lb. salt. Store tightly covered. Once a week, poor 1/2 cup down the drain followed by 1 cup boiling water. Allow to sit for an hour or so and flush with hot tap water.

7) Clean wax and pesticide residues from fruits like apples, plums, nectarines, and pears with a paste of 3 tbsp soda and 1 tbsp water. Rinse well and dry.

8) Pour 1 Cup soda in garbage disposal to clean and deoderize. Keep water running briefly after all the baking soda is gone.

9) Eliminate onion, garlic, and fish smell from hands by wetting hands and scrubbing with baking soda. Rinse well and dry.

10) Clean microwaves, refrigerators, freezers, and plastic containers with a little baking soda sprinkled on a damp sponge. Rinse and dry.

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