Saturday, February 9, 2008

That time of year...

So, it has been awhile since my last post. Our little family has been dealing with some sort of congestion crud for the past 2 weeks. Stephen and I are doing better but sweet little Jubal is still dealing with it. He has had a fever off and on (mostly on) for almost 4 days now. The doctor checked him over and a viral sickness was the diagnosis. It's hard to see him so tired and sick. I really miss his energy and silliness.

We ended up getting Mucinex for kids to help with his congestion. And for all you parents out there, it really works. I'd rather give Jubal homeopathic remedies but we needed to give him something stronger. Mucinex has really helped him a lot and I am thankful for that.

So until next time.... stay well, get lots of rest, and WASH YOUR HANDS!!!!!

God bless you all.

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