Thursday, February 21, 2008

Is it raining yet?

My husband is so good at surprises. Not only did he surprise me with plans to a skillet concert tonight he also surprised me with another birthday gift. Does it get any better???

After Jubal and I got home from the library, there was a box at my door. I picked it up and put it in the house. I was trying to figure out what was in there. There was a message on the phone from Stephen wishing me a Happy Birthday. How sweet! I called him back and he asked if there was a box at the door. Yes. He suggested I open was for me!!! Hooray! Inside was a sweet rain jacket. I have wanted one for about a year and it is perfect. Stephen is so good at getting just the right things for me. I can't wait for it to rain!

After a nice nap time, Jubal and I made chocolate cupcakes and had fun giggling and licking the batter.

After Stephen got home we celebrated as a family at Asheville Pizza and Brewing.! Then we ended our evening with American Idol and a lunar eclipse. How cool. Now I get to look forward to more fun tonight at the Skillet concert. I am so excited. The fun just keeps going. I am loving this birthday!

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