Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Big changes ahead

Today is a reflective day for me. My little guy goes to kindergarten tomorrow and I am having some very mixed feelings today. Apart from doing my best not to cry in front of Jubal, I have such a heavy heart because I am going to miss him a lot. I am also so excited about the things he is going to learn, the friends he will make. I also pray that he will be used by Jesus in his new class.
We met his teacher yesterday and she seems very nice. The assistant is nice too. It was funny because they both remembered that we will be riding our bikes to school some. They also remembered Jubal's name too. That was impressive. Jubal is nervous but I think he is excited too. He got really hyper once the shock and nervousness wore off after meeting the teacher.
Being a mommy is a hard job. We deal with behavioral issues, we take care of their boo boos, we feed them, we train our children the best we can in being good kids and making good decisions. We even try to teach them things they can do to become more independent. Yet, when the first day of kindergarten rolls around, it's one of the hardest things yet (for me anyways). I feel really good about his school, his teacher, and the things he is going to learn. But I am still going to miss my little buddy. I can't believe how time has flown. God has taught me to cherish these days and to cherish Jubal. Tomorrow is going to be a big day for me, Stephen, and Jubal. Big changes ahead and many more fun memories to look forward to as well. Sniff....sniff....sniff......


Meems said...

Go ahead and sniff...it will be o.k. I have one guarantee for you...you will make it through this!!! He is going to be fine and your days will pass quickly!!!! Love to all of you and especially Jubal!!! Mom

Sam and Sarah said...

Rhonda - I hope today wasn't quite as hard as you were imagining - I hear all the time about the first one that heads off to Kindergarten and just how difficult that is! Praying for you and your family!!!!

Rhonda said...

Thanks a lot! Your prayers helped. He had so much fun and Stephen and I made it through our first day of kindergarten ;)