Thursday, March 19, 2009

Voluntary Simplicity

I came across some interesting information ( on making our lives a little more simple. I think there are some very good and creative ideas in it that I wanted to share with you. I hope you find them helpful and beneficial for you and your family. It's pretty lengthy so I will break it up over several blogs. If you already incorporate these ideas in your life, let me know how it is working for you. I would love to hear!

1) De-clutter your house. Go through clothes, kitchenware, knickknacks, gadgets, small appliances and other possessions and give away or recycle some.

2) Try cooking more meals from scratch. This may sound like the opposite of simplifying, since cooking from scratch can take more time and be more complicated than microwaving a meal from a box, or ordering a pizza. However, you can make larger quantities and freeze the extra for a quick meal later. You also can avoid huge amounts of packaging, which is expensive and wasteful.

3) Buy in bulk. Food co-ops have many foods available in bins from which you fill your own container.


The Via Colony said...

Ooh, I LOVE these kinds of posts! I can't wait to hear what else you read about. We def. take advantage of my de-clutter obsession. I am constantly going through things and selling them on Craigslist or giving them away. It feels SO good!

Rhonda said...

I love decluttering too. Sometimes it's hard but after a week, I am over it. ;)