Friday, March 27, 2009

Drum Roll......

These are the last few ideas I want to share to simplify your life. As you can see, a lot of it is creative and pretty simplistic. Once you get your creative juices going, it's really fun and beneficial.
1)Reuse everything you can, from jars and containers to nails to clothing. You will need to buy much less new stuff.

2)Borrow or rent large items that you don’t use often, such as tools, garden equipment and party utensils. You can even rent a car for trips.

3)Don’t fall for the new advertising gimmick using the language of simplicity to sell all kinds of things. Simplicity isn’t about having the right stuff. It isn’t a style. And don’t fall for the idea that you need a lot of special containers, boxes, and so on to organize your stuff and thereby achieve simplicity.

If you and/or your family practice "simple things" in your family, I would love to hear!

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