Tuesday, February 17, 2009

My sweet Valentine

My husband is great. We have been married for 10 1/2 years and he still manages to surprise me with his creativity and love behind the gifts he gives me. This valentine's day was no exception. If you love working in the yard, you will appreciate this gift as much as I do. What a sweetheart! I had to work on the 14th, so when I got home, I noticed Stephen was working in the backyard. When I walked out to the backyard, my jaw dropped. My husband arranged huge rocks around my herb garden, the vegetable garden, and added another mulched area for a new flower garden for me to play in. Needless to say, it looks so good and I am so excited for spring now. In addition to all the rocks, Stephen also mulched and finished our new fence. Whew! He was busy wasn't he? I love you babe and appreciate all the creative fun things you do for me. You're awesome.