Thursday, May 29, 2008

Nap time is officially over...

Jubal has been such a good napper ever since he was born. I have really enjoyed these quiet times to sew, read my Bible, or take a nap myself. But for the last few weeks, Jubal has had a hard time going to bed at night. I tried getting him to sleep shorter naps, get up earlier, lots of running/bike riding, etc. but it seemed like our nighttime routine was getting a little more stressful for all of us. Then yesterday Jubal woke up at 9AM (!!!) so I decided it would be a good day to try no nap. It was just fine. We were busy all day and it worked great. Normally he gets really grumpy when he doesn't get a nap but he did fine. Nighttime was the test. He went to bed a lot better and went to sleep a lot faster. Today is our second venture of no nap and it's going very well. It's actually kind of nice now that we don't have a nap schedule to go by. Even though I will miss the napping days I will also enjoy our nights with less battles. I think it's worth it.


The Via Colony said...

Pros and cons to every stage they go through. Way to go Jubal!!=)

Rhonda said...

Isn't that the truth. I think I am dreaming of caffeine a little more than I used to...hee hee....