Monday, January 7, 2008

So proud

For those of you that don't know, my hubby Stephen, is an avid cyclist. He started racing mountain bikes last year and has had an adventurous year of it. He has learned a lot about endurance racing and I have learned a lot about supporting an endurance racer (on and off the course).

This weekend, we went to GA to cheer Stephen on in a new mountain bike race series that he is doing. Saturday was the first one and he has 2 more. It's a time trial race and that means that they let 3-4 people go at a time and the racers race the clock. It's a 34 mile race (there is a 17 mile option, but my wild-in-a-good-way hubby is doing the 34 miler ;)) and it's a very technical course. Most of the people that finished looked pretty wiped out and a couple even had battle wounds to prove the treacherousness of the race.

At the half way point, Jubal and I waited excitedly for Stephen to come through. Jubal and I are Stephen's support crew, cheerleaders, and anything else he needs we can get gang. He looked great coming through and I was so happy to see him doing so well. After we stocked him up on liquid and a power bar, Jubal and I jumped back in the car and drove to the finish.

After a little under 4 hours, Stephen comes riding through. What a relief and thrill it was to see him finish. I was so proud of him. With cowbells in hand, Jubal and I cheered him to the finish.

We waited around for the results for over an hour but it was getting cold and we had a 4 hour drive ahead of us so we didn't stay. Thankfully the results were posted on the internet and Stephen finished 7th out of 22 in his category (single speed). How awesome! I am excited for the next 2 races to see how Stephen does. He is such a strong and dedicated rider and I am so proud of him.


The Via Colony said...

No way, that's awesome! Does he ever ride with Geoffrey?

Rhonda said...

Sometimes he does. He actually taught Geoffrey how to ride ;)
They have a sibling rivalry going on...he he...