Monday, March 10, 2008

God's Love

I believe in God. I believe that He loves me so much for who I am. There is nothing I can do or not do to make Him love me any more or less. Believing in this has brought me a lot of freedom and love for Him and others. Even though His love and power has transformed me, I still struggle so much with my sin nature. One person, among many, in the Bible that brings so much encouragement to me is Paul. He was such a man of God and devoted His life to sharing God's love to people that needed Jesus. He even considered it joy to be persecuted for Christ. Yet, he struggled with sin. He hated it so much but he still had moments where he gave in to the human nature. Even though that is no excuse for me to sin, it still gives me comfort that the men and women in Scripture I admire so much, struggled with it. God loves me no matter what. There is nothing that can seperate me from His love. The Bible is so full of hope and promises of that fact. So while I still struggle with sin, I rest and celebrate in knowing that sin has not conquered me. Jesus conquered it on the cross and freed me from it. I am made holy and I don't have to be stuck in my human nature. I can live in Christ and live in the joy that He gives through His forgiveness and love.

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